Eirik Senje
Everything Else, Noplace, Oslo, 2015
Everything Else, Noplace Oslo, 2015, installation view
Rectangular With Lamp and Hands, 150x100, charcoal, glue, plaster, burlap, wooden frame
Square with Lines shapes and Hands, 150x150, charcoal, glue, plaster, burlap, wooden frame
Rectangular with LInes, 150x100, charcoal, glue, plaster, burlap, wooden frame
Dark Square With Slight Reflection, 150x105, Rectangular With Lamp and Hands, 150x100, oil colour, plaster, burlap, wooden frame
Small Square With Lines, 40x40 charcoal, plaster, burlap, wooden frame
Small Square with Lines and Shapes, 40x40, charcoal, plaster, burlap, wooden frame